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Respected Behavioral and Mental Health Practice for Sale

Available for acquisition is a unique opportunity to own a well-established Behavioral Health Clinic with long standing presence in the community. The private clinic has two locations specializing in relationship therapy as well as personal health and wellness and caters to kids, adolescents, adults, families and couples. Sessions include on-one counseling, groups and workshops designed to address each client’s goals.
Experienced and friendly staff consists of social workers, profession counselors, psychologists and a nurse, as well as office personnel, who are expected to continue with new ownership. Patients come from direct referrals to personnel as well as agency referrals from various sources totaling to approximately 110 client visits weekly. The owner currently only handles 4-5 patients per week. The billing is primarily to insurances and is handled in house with great rate of collections.

With a stable clinical team and an outstanding reputation for over 20 years in the community, this clinic could thrive with the energy of a new owner. This business would be a natural fit for existing psychiatric practice or any professional in the field interested in their own practice.


Asking Price : $99,900.00
Gross Revenue : $345,985
Total Adjusted Net Income : $30,176
Status : Normal
Year Established : 1997
General Location : Oakland County, MI
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