Before you sell your business you will need to determine how much it is worth. This is done best by a certified business broker or appraiser. A business broker will evaluate your business’s assets and figure out exactly what your business is worth. This is called a business valuation. They will also work to find the right buyer for your business.
Use a Broker to Find Your Business’ Value
A business broker will be able to provide a fair evaluation of your business. As a business owner, it is natural to have a strong emotional attachment to your business. This can sometimes hinder your ability to accurately value your own business. A broker will evaluate your assets and find a fair price that buyers will be willing to pay. Skilled brokers and appraisers use several valuation methods to find hidden assets and other aspects of your business that add value. Ideally, buyers want to purchase businesses that have high cash flow with very low risk. A broker can find the value of your business then find a buyer for you as well.
The Best Business Broker Find Your Business’ Value
Finding a business broker with your best interests in mind is the best way to get the most for your business. They will make sure that you get what your business is worth and possibly more. Make sure that the broker that you choose belongs to organizations like The International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) and The Michigan Business Brokers Association (MBBA). These organizations are known for upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism. The broker is even more qualified if they are a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI). Brokers must go through over 60 hours of specialized training in order to receive this accreditation.
Find Your Business’ Value in Troy, MI with Paul Trochakerian, Inix Business Brokers
Paul Trochakerian is a top-rated business broker in Michigan who possesses a wealth of knowledge in business. He has almost a decade of experience working in key positions with large corporations in the Detroit Metro Area. Paul is a proud member of both the IBBA and the MBBA. Paul has been accredited earning the title of CBI. He will evaluate your business and ensure that you get a fair price for your business. If you are looking to buy or sell a business call (248) 483-0660 today.